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L’Estimateur | The Estimator
The surveyor and his tools ("Les outils du géomètre : la planchette", 1842 drawing by an unknown artist, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MD-43 (4)-FOL).
The occupation of estimateur, or estimator, could have two meanings:
The estimator was a property surveyor elected by a village community. They were involved in a multitude of cases, particularly those related to neighbourhood conflicts. This was usually the case in rural communities.
Alternatively, the estimator was simply a person responsible for estimating the value or the price of certain things. For example, the value of a person's assets (inventory) after their death. This wasn’t necessarily the person’s primary occupation, but more of a task to be accomplished at the request of an authority.
Known persons who had this occupation: Pierre Cailla, Charles Delino, Pierre Disy dit Monplaisir, Edward Glackmeyer, Jean Gobin, Jean Lozeau, Narcisse Mercure, Guillaume Pépin.
“Estimateur”, Portail lexique du Centre national de ressources textuelles et lexicales,
“Estimateur”, Dictionnaire de l’Académie française, 9e édition,